What’s the Fortran language for?


Viewed 431 times


On what occasions, nowadays, is the Fortran language used? What is its strong point and its purpose?

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1 answer


It serves the same as other high-level languages, it allows a human to write an algorithm in such a way that after being interpreted by some application (compiler or interpreter) turns into instructions that the machine understands and runs this algorithm producing computational results.

As it was the first high-level language to be created its main asset was to allow an easier and simpler foma to write code avoiding some errors that were very common in Assembly.

As early computing only mattered calculations, it was thought to facilitate this and to this day it is seen as strong in complex numerical manipulations, mainly with data vectors. Today it has several optimizations for this and for having limitations in other points can focus on this part.

Of course, she does a lot of other things like any programming language, but she’s very good at this and she’s actually faster than C in some operations. And it doesn’t have the mechanisms treatment idiosyncrasies that C has.

  • Perfect! Thank you!

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