Post Caurosel - I can’t edit CSS


Viewed 19 times


Good afternoon, everyone

created a caurosel post to display on the main page of a site I’m developing on wordpress

My question is the following when I create Carousel it generates a shortcode [post-carousel id="276"] and this way we insert it into a page. I would like to apply an effect on an image of this Carousel but I can’t find its css. I would like to apply an effect when passing the mouse over the image it displays a message

follows the example of the code I assembled inside a page, so that I assembled it applies the effect but I can not apply only to the image, it ends up taking the whole class.

If anyone knows how it works, I’d be grateful.

Thank you

/*código CSS */
    .descricao {
     background: #493a2ec7;
    color: #fff;
    text-align: center;
    height: 356px;
    position: absolute;
    top: 111px;
    display: none;
    padding: 22px 37px;
    width: 355px;
    margin: -64px;

.master:hover .descricao {
    display: block;
<h2 class="recipe"><span>Receitas</span></h2>
	<div class="col-xs-12">
		[post-carousel id="276"] 
	<div class="descricao"><span> APRENDA A FAZER </span> </div>
	<div class="mobile-recipe">

/*CSS code */ . Description { background: #493a2ec7; color: #fff; text-align: center text-align height: 356px; position: Absolute; top: 111px; display: None; padding: 22px 37px; width: 355px; margin: -64px; }

.master:Hover . description { display: block; }

  • Use the develpor tool to see the "F12" carousel img class. And then do "Ctrl+shift+C" and click on the image. Then just look at the classes you use and edit the CSS, you may need to put as ! Important the attributes you change.

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