Chrome bot error -


Viewed 176 times


I have a python application that performs some repetitive tasks for me by opening Chrome and using it as a bot (I cannot be making the code available because I work under a confidentiality agreement)but when executing it these errors appear and sometimes the program does not perform correctly.

DevTools listening on ws://
[6892:7320:1009/] NOT IMPLEMENTED
[6892:20824:1009/] NOT IMPLEMENTED
[6892:26968:1009/] NOT IMPLEMENTED

Could you enlighten me on exactly what these mistakes are ?


Code I run to generate the error:

python --ou [ambiente de login] --login [chave de login] --partner [parceiro] --password [senha] --token [token de segurança] < [arquivo de onde são extraídos os dados ] > \\[caminho do servidor]\[ relatório do parceiro ]_2018-10-09_2052.txt

Code of

from selenium import webdriver
import webmatic
import argparse
import sys
import proposal
import datetime

def get_context_webdrive():
return getattr(g, '_webdriver', None)

def set_context_webdrive(webdriver):
temp_driver = getattr(g, '_webdriver', None)
if temp_driver is not None:
g._webdriver =  webdriver   

parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
parser.add_argument("--login", help="user login", type=str)
parser.add_argument("--password", help="user password", type=str)
parser.add_argument("--partner", help="partner code", type=str)
parser.add_argument("--token", help="token code", type=str)

parser.add_argument("--ou", help="organization unit", type=str)
parser.add_argument('pns', nargs='?', type=argparse.FileType('r'), default=sys.stdin)

args = parser.parse_args()
proposalDetails = args.pns.readlines()

proposal_logs = []

password = args.password

driver = webdriver.Chrome("/python/selenium/chromedriver.exe")
url = "[retirado por motivo de segurança]"


for p in proposalDetails:
    prop = p.split(";")
    stripped_pi = prop[1].strip() 
    stripped_pn = prop[0].strip() 
    success, message, status =, stripped_pn, args.login, args.partner, password, args.token, driver)
    print(str(success) + ": " + message)

    approval_status = "APROVADO" if success else "FALHA"

    # Pegando a última mensagem depois dos ":" caso não seja uma exception.
    log_message = (message) if ("Error" in message) else message.split(":")[-1]
    log_message = log_message.strip()
    proposalMessage = ""
    date =
    if (approval_status == "APROVADO" or status == "ANÁLISE PROMOTORA" or status == "FORMALIZA PORTABILIDADE" or status == "AGUARDANDO PORTABILIDADE"): 
        proposalMessage = proposal.ApprovePrius(stripped_pi,stripped_pn,args.ou,url)        
        proposalMessage = "Não aprovado no Promoter"
    proposal_log = "{0};{1};{2};{3};{4};{5};{6};{7}".format(date.strftime("%d-%m-%Y %H:%M"), args.ou, args.partner, status, stripped_pn, approval_status, log_message, proposalMessage)
if not driver is None and not driver.session_id is None:
  • Since you cannot make the code available, make a MCVE and put in your question.

  • Yes I’ll be editing to fit some extra things

2 answers


The error is caused by this line of code:

It occurs when the page tries to read a sensor, which is not implemented in Chrome for windows.

The sensors implemented are: ambient light sensor, accelerometer, gyroscope, magnetic meter, orientation meter.

If the page tries to use some other sensor that does not work in windows, for example temperature meter, air humidity meter, etc... anything, this error will appear.

Finally, pointed errors does not seem to be related to the program problem "not execute correctly". If you still have problems, I suggest you open another question.


Well I managed to resolve using a suggestion found on the github forum about Selenium which is to downgrade chromedriver to v2.33 and Chrome to V60-61 which are supported on chromedriver... From what I understand chromedriver has stopped implementing some functions and are now called otherwise within the code, I haven’t figured out how to... But if you want you can take a look at the following link (Ta in English) has enough thing that the staff repaired and simply "fixed"

  • which Chrome you were using?

  • v69.0.3497.100 (x64)

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