Problem downloading data from rbcb Central Bank in R


Viewed 160 times


You could help me?

I’m trying to download inflation expectations data for a month by package rbcb

I installed and did the step by step to test whether this is all ok.

But when I get here:

rbcb::get_monthly_market_expectations("IPCA", end_date = "2018-01-31", `$top` = 5)

I have this error message:

Error in curl::curl_fetch_memory(url, handle = handle) :
Failure when receiving data from the peer

Why is it? What is missing?

Some help?

  • When Did You Try to Download? Many government-based Apis Stay Off-Air During Election Period.

  • @Carloseduardolagosta still in the last days. Did you try to download? Got it?

  • No, but I stopped getting access to Datasus weeks ago for that reason. It has a determination of the TSE that prevents access when electoral propaganda begins, applies to various bases, I do not know if it applies to the Central Bank, but it is a possibility.

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