Why wasn’t a programming language invented to replace C and C++ to facilitate the development of operating systems?


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The C and C++ programming languages replaced Assembly in the development of operating systems.

No one in their right mind currently develops an operating system entirely in Assembly. Please correct me if I’m wrong.

Because no programming language has yet been created to replace C and C++ to facilitate the development of operating systems?

Money and time were invested in the invention of C and C++ to replace Assembly to facilitate the development of operating systems. Why not invest money and time in the invention of a programming language to replace C and C++ to facilitate the development of operating systems?

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  • 2

    @RORSCHACH you are wrong about this: https://answall.com/help/on-topic. Theoretical questions may be asked. That’s probably why they’ve been negative about the question and the answer.

  • 4

    why it would be necessary to create a new language if languages such as C and C++ are already widely known and mastered by those working with operating systems?

  • Has Rust, who wants to occupy this niche.

  • You talk about compilers and Operating Systems, things that most people look for stability, suppose you create the Zorgx language and the Plofty OS both superior to everything there is, you lack critical mass of programmers, equipment and environments to run it , in general the budget is limited and tends to be conservative , but innovation comes , evolutionary steps , small changes , major revolutions exist but are rare.

1 answer


The question starts from a wrong premise. There are several other languages that were created (invented would be a bad term) with the goal, among others, of making an operating system, most unsuccessful because they were not good enough, or the existing ones were good enough, which shows that it is complicated to do something to replace these languages. The most successful was Rust, and was actually used to create the Redox.

Several languages have replaced Assembly because low-level language is very unproductive and has several disadvantages, is a brutal difference and this is one of the few things that is considered silver bullet in computing. Switch from C or C++ to another medium or high level language the gain is very small and usually has some loss associated, so that create something new that is only different and not necessarily better? If you think you should create another you need to give a valid justification and convince people. Voluntarism is not enough.

Assembly is still required for some parts of the creation of any OS other than just a toy. And there are several small Sos made entirely in Assembly even more recently. It may not be Sos that compete with Windows, Linux, these things, but they’re fully functional and some are used in niches. There are advantages, it is not only disadvantage to do in Assembly.

Virtually no one thinks it is necessary to create another language for building operating systems. If you have no reason to do it, you have no reason to invest in it. The people who do it are comfortable with what exists. Even Rust was created for other things, being able to build a viable OS was just collateral damage.

These languages are called system Languages.

  • What are the various languages that have replaced Assembly? Why hardly anyone thinks that it is necessary to create another language for building operating systems? Because there is no reason to create another language for building operating systems?

  • 2

    You want me to think you need to justify it. You don’t need to justify not doing something, you need to do it.

  • What are the various languages that replaced Assembly?

  • 5

    All thousands of medium and high level.

  • C and C++ are medium-level languages. It would not be a good idea to create a high-level language to facilitate the development of operating systems?

  • C is medium level, C++ is high level, so if you want a high level, you’ve got it. And operating systems have very high-level requirements that don’t work well. Not that it is not possible, I’ve seen create in JS and Lua, but are not serious products.

  • You said the Rust language was used to create Redox. Redox is a serious product?

  • Yeah, it’s not popular, but it’s pretty serious.

  • Is Redox more serious than Linux? What are the differences between the seriousness of Redox, Windows, Apple’s OS X and all other popular operating systems? Maybe I’ll develop an operating system using Rust.

  • Here’s another question and it’s not about programming. It doesn’t really make sense to think about it. I think I shouldn’t, but if it’s your wish you can do.

  • You said there were several other languages that were created (invented would be a bad term) with the goal, among others, of making an operating system, most unsuccessful because they were not good enough, or the existing ones were already good enough, which shows that it is complicated to do something to replace these languages, you also said that the one that was most successful was Rust and was actually used to create Redox.

  • What other languages have successfully developed operating systems? What operating systems have been created through the use of these languages?

  • Define success.

  • You yourself said that there are several other languages that were created (invented would be a bad term) with the goal, among others, of making an operating system, most unsuccessful because they were not good enough, or the existing ones were already good enough.

  • You said yourself that the most successful one was Rust and was actually used to create Redox.

  • What other languages have succeeded in developing operating systems and which operating systems have been created through the use of these languages?

  • 2

    So I’ll just stick with this one. Besides, this is irrelevant and outside the scope of this site. This is not a forum, it is not for debating or questioning, if you ask an objective question and get an answer, if you needed more than this the question is not appropriate.

  • It seems to me that this is someone’s ML project trying to create a bot.

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