Add data to a txt file


Viewed 1,461 times


I have the following code:

$msg = "teste";
$myfile = fopen("lista.txt", "w");
fwrite($myfile, $msg."\n");

If I change the variable value $msg it opens the file deletes the $msg and replaces it with the new value. How can I keep both?

Example of how I want the output inside the file txt:

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    See the possible ways to open a file and what are the differences between them.

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2 answers


You must open the file to add and not to write:

$msg = "teste";
$myfile = fopen("lista.txt", "a");
fwrite($myfile, $msg."\n");

I put in the Github for future reference.

At least that’s the simplest way if that’s all you want. If you want to do multiple operations then you need a slightly more sophisticated algorithm to manage file placement.

Another possibility is to use the file_put_contents() with the argument FILE_APPEND, thus avoids control of files.



The function file_put_contents can be used to do this in a simpler way. According to the PHP documentation, this function is the same thing as calling fopen, fwrite and fclose functions:

This Function is identical to Calling fopen(), fwrite() and fclose() successively to write data to a file.

That is, this function serves as a simplified way to write data in a file.

$msg = 'teste' . PHP_EOL;
file_put_contents('lista.txt', $msg, FILE_APPEND);

The constant FILE_APPEND serves to add a new content without deleting the existing one. Therefore, if the function is executed again with a different value, the value "teste" will not be erased.

PS: Remembering that constant PHP_EOL serves to add a line break (independent of the operating system).

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