Error with search bar - Ionic


Viewed 18 times


Pedido.ts :

 getItems(ev: any) {
const val =;
if (val == '') {
  this.clientes = null;
} else if(val  && val.trim() != ''){    


 selectItem() {
  this.clientes = this.clientes.filter((cliente) => {
  this.pesquisa = cliente.cliente;
  this.clientes = [];


 buscarUsuario(ev: any) {

  this.provider.buscarCliente().subscribe((cliente: Array<any>) => {
    this.clientes = cliente;
    let val =;
    if(val == this.clientes){ 
    val = this.clientes


html request.

 <ion-row >
        <ion-searchbar [(ngModel)]="pesquisa" (ionInput)="getItems($event)" formControlName="cliente" placeholder="Pesquisar"></ion-searchbar>
        <ion-item *ngFor="let cliente of clientes">

         <button ion-button (click)="selectItem()">{{cliente.cliente}}</button>


  • Where do you boot this.clientes?

  • First I’ll explain my problem: I need to make a consultation to firebase, fetch the customers and bring to a vector. So far so good. The problem is, I can’t compare what’s being typed in the search bar with the client that’s in the array. I will edit my question. Thanks in advance

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