I have this function that returns me the amount of sales of a cnpj month to month in the year 2018, I would like if possible someone would help me implement a variable in this function, which takes the total per cnpj in the year and show as a column in a select.
ALTER FUNCTION totalDeTransmissoesNoMes(
@cnpjDaRevenda VARCHAR(15),
@ano int,
@mes int
)RETURNS int AS BEGIN DECLARE @totalDeTransmissoes int;
SET @totalDeTransmissoes = (
SELECT COUNT(*) FROM enviovendas as ei
WHERE ei.ds_cnpjrev = @cnpjDaRevenda
AND YEAR(ei.dt_envio) = @ano
AND MONTH(ei.dt_envio) = @mes
RETURN @totalDeTransmissoes;
You want to do another function or in that same?
– Marconi
Hello Marconi all right? I did another function but I need to try to do in the same function.
– wilder