How to recover my Adm access in Wordpress?


Viewed 26 times


I lost admin access in WP, including unexpectedly and without correlation with something specific.

I tried to resolve by changing the plugins, disabled and reactivated them all. I renamed the "plugins" folder to "plugins.velho." inside the wp-content folder and also failed.

I’m checking to see if the location you’re hosting changed the server, that’s my last option. If it doesn’t work, I don’t know if there’s anything else I can do. Someone would know by chance?

1 answer


What error does it return? you can enable WP_DEBUG in the wp-config.php file to view the error, also check the file . htaccess

  • Did not return specific error, in the wordpress panel just no longer possible to change some things like add plugins and change the theme. All options I found/tested for WP admin access loss resolution: - Check if users were administrators>Check. [1] - Company may have changed the access to the plugin and theme. [1] - Check if WP is version . com or . org>Checked. [1] - I deactivated the plugins more correctly >Log out>Devtools>Applications>Clear Site Data>Login> No result. I reactivated the plugins. [2]

    • Enable debugging mode in WP. Inside wp-config.php>set Cte by means of the command "define('WP_DEBUG', true);" however, the ideal is to have a complete backup of the site before changing the data of this wp-config.php folder so I didn’t try because I need to check for backup existence. [3][4][5] - Add debug plugins to the site. >Impossible[4] - See if the host has changed the server. Even, I think it is also necessary to change the code of this same wp-config.php folder. [6]
    • Check how the "DISALLOW_FILE_MODS" is set in wp-config.php. >It is not set, and you do not need to set it. The command disables installations and updates of themes and plugins. [6] - Check wp-criticalcss settings. --I’m not sure about this suggestion. I searched this folder for both the directories and the Cpanel search tool and couldn’t find it. [7] - And finally your suggestion from now on to check the file .htaccess. .
  • Sources: [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7]https://pressword.orgsupport/topic/plugin-settings-options-not-appearing-in-wp-admin-plugins-php/

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