I have a project composed of two subprojects, one of those subprojects is a Class Library
, responsible for database connection activities. I am using Entity Framework as a ORM tool.
In the archive app.config
, I have the following string Connection:
<add name="DB.Context" providerName="System.Data.SqlClient"
connectionString="Integrated Security=SSPI;Initial Catalog=DB.Context;Data Source=(LocalDb)\v11.0;" />
Nothing too complex, just points to a local database.
However, at the time of deploying this application for production (by publishing from the Azure version control), I cannot get this string Connection automatically updated to point to the production BD. I have the connection string configured on my panel:
How can I get the connection string present in app.config is updated during publication from TFS in Azure?
Actually, after a long time I realized that I can leave these settings on the web.config, the Entity Framework solves well by pulling the information from there, even if it is located in a different project :)
– Tiago César Oliveira
@Tiagocésaroliveira cool that helped. If you agree, mark the answer that best helped your doubt so that others with the same doubt can take as guidance. (y)
– Thiago Lunardi