Singleton implementation static member error


Viewed 59 times


When implementing the Singleton standard the compiler gives the following error:

include graphdata. h|21|error: 'constexpr' needed for in-class initialization of Static data Member 'graphdata* graphdata::instance' of non-integral type [-fpermissive]|

The code I made is this::

class graphdata
        static graphdata& getinstance(){
                instance = new graphdata();
            return *instance;
        void dfsR();
        graphdata(graphdata const&) = delete;
        void operator = (graphdata const&) = delete;

        static graphdata* instance = 0;

1 answer


This is exactly what is written, if you want to initialize a value in the class declaration you need to be a constant expression (constexpr). If it cannot be constant it must initialize in the static constructor or its normal code before using the variable.

  • I even tried, but got the error saying *instance is private.

  • 1

    That’s another mistake, I showed you how to fix this mistake. But I suggest you start doing simpler things first. You are skating on basic points that you must learn before trying to do something more complex.

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