How to expose only a few table columns in a Webservice via SOAP?


Viewed 21 times


How to expose just a few columns of in a Webservice ?

I need to expose just the Name and Surname table:

public class Cliente 
   public string Nome {get; set;}
   public string SobreNome {get; set;}
   public string CPF {get; set;}

public Cliente RetrieveDevice(Cliente Cliente)
    Cliente cli = new Cliente();
    Negocio objNegocio = new Negocio();
    cli = objNegocio.getCliente(Cliente);
    return cli;

1 answer


You can do this using the attribute [XmlIgnore()] on the property you do not want to be serialized, in this case the CPF property:

public class Cliente 
   public string Nome {get; set;}
   public string SobreNome {get; set;}

   public string CPF {get; set;}

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