Left Outer Join Pulling Only Contained Data


Viewed 401 times


I’m trying to do this research to know how many children and pregnant women each Victor meets but only this pulling the families that have pregnant women even putting the blessed LEFT OUTER JOIN, is because of the clause ON?

I can not think of any other way because only the tables children and pregnant women are connected by the family, has some alternative to pull all families having or not pregnant?

SELECT          X_Crs.crs
            ,   M.nome
            ,   X_Visitador.visitador
            ,   X_Familia.familia
            ,   X_Gestante.nome
FROM            X_Familia
            ,   X_Visitador
LEFT JOIN       X_Municipio M   ON M.municipio          = X_Visitador.municipio
INNER JOIN      X_Crs           ON X_Crs.crs            = M.crs
LEFT OUTER JOIN X_Gestante      ON X_Gestante.familia   = X_Familia.familia
WHERE           X_Visitador.situacao    = '1' 
            AND X_Familia.situacao      = '1' 
            AND X_Gestante.situacao     = '1'  
            AND X_Gestante.statusErro   IS NULL 
            AND X_Familia.visitador     = X_Visitador.visitador
ORDER BY        crs
            ,   M.nome
            ,   visitador
            ,   familia;

  • No, it is because of the additional conditions on that table in WHERE. Move these conditions to the ON.

1 answer


Following the user’s instructions bfavaretto, besides some Refactoring and optimization:

SELECT      XC.crs
        ,   XM.nome
        ,   XV.visitador
        ,   XF.familia
        ,   IFNULL(XG.nome, '') AS NomeGestante
FROM        X_Familia   XF
INNER JOIN  X_Visitador XV  ON  XV.visitador    = XF.visitador
LEFT JOIN   X_Municipio XM  ON  XM.municipio    = XV.municipio
INNER JOIN  X_Crs       XC  ON  XC.crs          = XM.crs
LEFT JOIN   X_Gestante  XG  ON  XG.familia      = XF.familia
                            AND XG.situacao     = '1'
                            AND XG.statusErro   IS NULL 
WHERE       XV.situacao     = '1' 
        AND XF.situacao     = '1' 
ORDER BY    XC.crs
        ,   XM.nome
        ,   XV.visitador
        ,   XF.familia
  • I only traded ISNULL for IFNULL that works on Myqsl but it worked, thank you very much!

  • Response edited with IFNULL! Pop up the reply and mark it as accepted :)

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