I have a little problem showing a text on my screen:
I have a span tag with id="obsEmenda" that gets a scan from the server:
<span class="progress-description">OBSERVAÇÃO: <strong><span id="obsEmenda"></span></strong></span>
The text of this span is exceeding the container size and does not show the rest.
I wanted to find a way to break this text so that it appears all on the screen. Would it be the case to use a textarea?
Picture of how you are:
Note that it puts 3 points at the end due to some properties of the class 'Progress-Description'.
.progress-description {
display: block;
font-size: 14px;
white-space: nowrap;
overflow: hidden;
text-overflow: ellipsis;
include the relevant part of the CSS, as well as the container that is hiding the overflow
– Leandro Angelo
The container is that first span
– Maycon F. Castro
Got it, so the css of #Progress-Description and #obsEmenda
– Leandro Angelo
I’ll put the css of this class
– Maycon F. Castro