Taking data from the Entity framework database (picking up discount coupons)


Viewed 48 times


Good evening, I wonder how I can do by ajax to it go through my bank and see and there is a discount apply code:


public void Adiciona(Desconto desconto)
        using (var context = new LojaContext())

    public IList<Desconto> Lista()
        using (var contexto = new LojaContext())
            return contexto.Descontos.ToList();

    public void Atualiza(Desconto desconto)
        using (var contexto = new LojaContext())
    public Desconto BuscaPorId(int id)
        using (var contexto = new LojaContext())
            return contexto.Descontos.Find(id);

My table in the database shows the ID, DISCOUNT PERCENTAGE AND DISCOUNT CODE.

My trolley controller where you have the button to put the code and apply the discount:

public ActionResult AdicionarCarrinho(int id)
        var carrinho = Session["Carrinho"] != null ? (Pedido)Session["Carrinho"] : new Pedido();

        var produto = new ProdutosDAO().BuscaPorId(id);

        foreach (var item in carrinho.ItensPedido)
            if (item.Produto.Id == produto.Id)
                Session["Carrinho"] = carrinho;
                return RedirectToAction("Carrinho");
        Session["Carrinho"] = carrinho;
        return RedirectToAction("Carrinho");
    public ActionResult ExcluiProdutoCarrinho(int id)
        var carrinho = Session["Carrinho"] != null ? (Pedido)Session["Carrinho"] : new Pedido();
        var produto = new ProdutosDAO().BuscaPorId(id);
        Session["Carrinho"] = carrinho;
        return RedirectToAction("Carrinho");
    public ActionResult Carrinho()
        Pedido carrinho = Session["Carrinho"] != null ? (Pedido)Session["Carrinho"] : new Pedido();
        var produtos = carrinho.ItensPedido;
        ViewBag.Produtos = produtos;
        return View(carrinho);

    //public ActionResult AdicionarDesconto(int id)
    //    if ()

My button: Discount

I need to know how to add these discount coupons and make an ajax to pick them up at the bank and use at the discount button.

  • But how is the logic in the application? In the view the user who enters with a discount code? Or will this be checked in some other action? The way you explained it and without your view we won’t be able to help much.

  • Put the code you started to make the call ajax based on what you have already searched and tried.

1 answer


My ajax

    function aplicaDesconto() {
        var codigo = $("#codDesconto").val();
        var total = @total;
            type: 'POST',
            url: 'AplicaDesconto',
            data: {
            success: function (data) {
                if (data.sucesso == true) {
                    $(".totalCarrinhoCompra").text(@total  * 0.20);

                    var DESCONTO10 = @total  * 0.10;
                    var DESCONTO20 = @total  * 0.20;
                    var DESCONTO30 = @total  * 0.30;
                    var DESCONTO40 = @total  * 0.40;
                    var DESCONTO50 = @total  * 0.50;
                    var DESCONTO60 = @total  * 0.60;
                    var DESCONTO70 = @total  * 0.70;
                    var DESCONTO80 = @total  * 0.80;
                    var DESCONTO90 = @total  * 0.90;

                } else {




My button:

// Discount // >

Not taking the items and applying the discount..

Errors: Uncaught Syntaxerror: Unexpected number

Uncaught Referenceerror: applicationDesconto is not defined At Htmlbuttonelement.onclick

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