How do I know if a folder exists with Idftp Delphi?


Viewed 603 times


I need to know if a folder exists in ftp

I’m using the function below, but error:

Debugger Exception Notification
Project perfil.exe raised exception class EIdReplyRFCError with message 'Directory not found.
Break   Continue   Help   

The function I’m using is this:

function FTPFileExists(aFileName: string): Boolean;
    fdm.IdFTP.List(nil, aFileName, False);
    Result := (fdm.IdFTP.ListResult.Count > 0);
    Result := False;

fdm is my datamodule and Idftp the Indy component Delphi is Xe6

  • What you are passing in the aFileName parameter?

  • I’m sorry, I’ll close this question, I ate ball at the time of passing the directory, crude error, function works, I’m able to create directories

  • I figured it was the wrong way, really, because I use a practically equal function...

  • 1

    Yeah, you know when you waste your time with something gross, you go out to air and when you come back you see the mistake...

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