How to save Fastreport to PDF in silent mode?


Viewed 2,699 times


I can generate the PDF from the code below:

fdm.frxPDFExport.FileName := 'C:\PASTA_TESTE\ARQUIVO_TESTE.PDF';

The detail is that it shows me the screen to choose where to save the file.

I would like to save without user intervention, since I determined the path and file name.

1 answer


Change the property FileName and DefaultPath for what you need in export.

Also change frxrRelatorio.PrintOptions.ShowDialog := False; not to display the dialog box

  • 1

    Hello Gabriel, thanks for the reply, in addition to Printoptions = False, also put fdm.frxPDFExport.Showdialog := False; and it worked.

  • That, I forgot that the other was for printing, that was for export

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