Contextcompat.Checkselfpermission . NET Standar 2.0


Viewed 31 times


I’m racking my brain and looking for a code example that asks for permission to some feature (camera, GPS), and everyone I meet makes use of Contextcompat.Checkselfpermission, but the Xamarin.Support.Compat package is incompatible with . NET Standard 2.0.

Does anyone have any tips on how to request Runtime permissions in this case?

Even the following link article seems to me to use this package.


Leonardo Freitag

1 answer


I was able to understand the process.

It was enough to build the code in Mainactivity.Cs and things worked out.

Here is an interesting link for anyone trying to understand this issue of the permissions for Runtime access.

It is in English, but within the context it is very easy to keep up.


Leonardo Freitag

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