Error while displaying json in Angular 6


Viewed 55 times


I cannot view json list in html

I have json in the.ts component

ts component.

import { Component, Input, Output, EventEmitter } from '@angular/core';
import { BaseComponent } from '../../base.component'
import { Atividade } from '../../agenda/models/atividade';
import { CurrencyUtils } from '../../utils/currency-utils';

    selector: 'lista-pagamento-cielo',
    templateUrl: './templates/lista-pagamento-cielo.html',
    styleUrls: ['../../dashboard/styles/dashboard.css'],
    providers: []

export class ListaPagamentoCielo extends BaseComponent {

     constructor() { super() }

     title = 'Tela Cancelamento Cielo';

     cliente = [
        {nome:'BC Advogados', Data:'01/01/1982',TID:'123123',Valor:'1200'}


<div class="portlet  portlet-fit white" [ngBusy]="busy">
    <div class="portlet-body">
        <!-- <div class="row">
            <div class="col-xs-8 text-right">
                <span style="border-left:1px solid #eee;margin-left:2px;"> &nbsp;</span>
        </div> -->

        <div class="table-scrollable">
            <table class="table table-hover table-responsive" id="listaComprasCielo" role="grid" style="width:100%;">
                <thead class="">
                    <tr role="row">
                        <th>Valor da venda </th>
                    <tr role="row"  *ngFor="let clientes of cliente">
                        <!-- NPU / CIV -->
                          <!-- Acao -->
                          <button>Cancelar Cielo</button>
                        <!-- CLIENTE(HOLDING) -->
  • any error appears in the console?

  • No information is displayed

  • 1

    Use in constructor () { console.log(this.client) } and copy here the result

1 answer


The error was in the way json was called. I ran this way:

<tr role="row"  *ngFor="let clientes of cliente">
    <!-- NPU / CIV -->
      <!-- Acao -->
      <button>Cancelar Cielo</button>
    <!-- CLIENTE(HOLDING) -->

The format must respect the same in json.

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