I implemented the recaptcha on the site, but it is very expensive to users every time they are logged in click on the images, I wanted it to appear after 3 attempts, but I’m not getting, I want to do via JS...
I implemented the recaptcha on the site, but it is very expensive to users every time they are logged in click on the images, I wanted it to appear after 3 attempts, but I’m not getting, I want to do via JS...
Face is very easy, you can use a global variable as in my example:
tentativas = 0;
//defino uma função ao clickar no botao
document.getElementById("enviar").addEventListener("click", logar);
function logar() {
var login = document.getElementById("inpLogin").value;
var senha = document.getElementById("inpSenha").value;
tentativas += 1;
//aqui sua tratativa para logar o usuario
if(login=='admin' && senha=='admin'){
alert('usuario e senha incorreto, numero de tentativas: '+tentativas);
document.getElementById("recaptcha").style.display = 'block';
<form action="#">
<input type="text" id='inpLogin' size='10' placeholder='login'>
<input type="password" id='inpSenha' size='10' placeholder='senha'>
<button id="enviar" type='button'>LOGAR</button>
<div id='recaptcha' style='display: none;'>
<img src="https://developers.google.com/recaptcha/images/newCaptchaAnchor.gif" alt="" width='270'>
and then you leave the div
with the recaptcha with the style display = none
(or is hidden), and then you show it when the number of attempts is greater than 3.
Thank you so much for your help in !!
Browser other questions tagged javascript recaptcha
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