I’m trying to make an image gallery for a website, I took a demo that I found on the Internet and I’m trying to edit it, but I would like to modify to the mini-tura of the images to be interspersed, one to the left and one to the right, but I couldn’t find a way to do it. Can someone give me a hand ? CSS is too big to run around here, but if you need me I’ll send.
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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit. Cum voluptatem, quisquam veniam sequi in quasi excepturi laudantium fugit nihil odio minima quae consequuntur dolorum pariatur obcaecati, adipisci dignissimos officia saepe itaque deleniti porro odit vitae voluptate. Blanditiis sunt obcaecati corporis, alias adipisci. Eum illum voluptatibus expedita nulla eius provident pariatur!Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit. Cum voluptatem, quisquam veniam sequi in quasi excepturi laudantium fugit nihil odio minima quae consequuntur dolorum pariatur obcaecati, adipisci dignissimos officia saepe itaque deleniti porro odit vitae voluptate.
Young you really need this library to make something so simple? With CSS you solve it easy... If you are using Bootstrap 4 there is that you do not really need this scheme there...
– hugocsl
I’m actually using this template because it matches well with the style of the site I’m doing. With Bootstrap has something like ?
– lucasecorrea
The scheme of opening the gallery with the carousel would be much more complicated, but putting an image on each side alternating with the content would be very quiet
– hugocsl
In that case I’ll leave it that way, because I would need the carousel because each line would be a photo shoot and I would need the carousel. Thank you
– lucasecorrea
I got it.. I gave a custom one there in the CSS of the gallery. I think it looks like you want it. Put the response CSS in the component CSS there, and place the class
in the section you want the gallery to the right. The details are in the answer qq thing comments there.– hugocsl