How to change the Datepicker format dynamically?


Viewed 326 times


I wonder if there is any way to change the format of datepicker dynamically, using radio Buttons, but the way I’m trying is not working ...


<input id="periodo" name="periodo" type="text" placeholder="Período">

<input id="radioDDMM" type="radio" name="typePeriodo" checked data-type="dd/mm" />
<label for="radioDDMM">Dia/Mês</label>

<input id="radioMMYYYY" type="radio" name="typePeriodo" data-type="mm/yyyy" />
<label for="radioMMYYYY">Mês/Ano</label>


$(document).ready(function () {

        format: "dd/mm",
        startView: "days",
        minViewMode: "days",
        language: 'pt-BR',
        endDate: '0m',
        orientation: 'bottom',
        autoclose: true

    $("[name='typePeriodo']").on('change', function () {
        var type = $(this).attr('data-type');
        if (type == "dd/mm") {
                altFormat: "dd/mm",
                startView: "days",
                minViewMode: "days",
        } else if (type == "mm/yyyy") {
                altFormat: "mm/yyyy",
                startView: "months",
                minViewMode: "months",
  • I’m not a web expert, but I think you’re going to need something that implements the "Observable" data Pattern. I think angular, or ko has it

1 answer


In the radio change event use the method Destroy to insert the new format.


Arguments: none

Remove datepicker. Remove attached events, attached objects internal and added HTML elements.

Alias: remove


  format: 'MM dd',
  startView: "days",
  minViewMode: "days",

$("[name='typePeriodo']").on('change', function() {
  var type = $(this).attr('data-type');
  if (type == "dd/mm") {
      format: 'MM dd',
      startView: "days",
      minViewMode: "days",
  } else if (type == "mm/yyyy") {
      format: "mm-yyyy",
      startView: "months",
      minViewMode: "months"
<script src=""></script>
<link href="" rel="stylesheet" />
<script src=""></script>
<link href="" rel="stylesheet" />
<script src=""></script>

<input id="periodo" name="periodo" type="text" placeholder="Período">

<input id="radioDDMM" type="radio" name="typePeriodo" checked data-type="dd/mm" />
<label for="radioDDMM">Dia/Mês</label>

<input id="radioMMYYYY" type="radio" name="typePeriodo" data-type="mm/yyyy" />
<label for="radioMMYYYY">Mês/Ano</label>

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