Adminfaces - Failed to read Artifact Descriptor


Viewed 47 times


Good morning,

I’m starting with the Admin-Faces. By including the dependency to the project (eclipse), I’m getting the error below:

org.eclipse.Aether.resolution.Artifactdescriptorexception: Failed to read Artifact Descriptor for org.omnifaces:omnifaces:jar:2.1

In the pom.xml put the following dependency:

<!-- -->
  • In your project, right-click, select Maven and choose the option Update Project

  • Edjane. It is exactly when I update that the library (jar) is not found.

  • You set up the Ominifaces library?

  • 1

    Edjane. I put yes. Thanks for the force. I got an outline solution: I downloaded the JAR and added it manually to the local repository. I haven’t figured out why I can’t find it in the central repository.

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