How to return an object by calculating dates?


Viewed 152 times


I am calculating the difference between dates in a period. From today until x previous days:

hoje = new Date();
periodo = new Date().setDate(hoje.getDate() - 5);

That way the output is as follows:

Fri Sep 19 2014 17:05:11 GMT-0300 (Local Standard Time)

I want the calculated date to also return as object:

Fri Sep 14 2014 17:05:11 GMT-0300 (Local Standard Time) 

1 answer


You can create a new date from the timestamp returned by the setDate operation:

periodo = new Date(new Date().setDate(hoje.getDate() - 5))

According to the language specification, setDate always returns a Timeclip, which represents the number of milliseconds since 1st. January 1970 (UTC) until the date in question.

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