Save data from a Row to an array


Viewed 51 times


I’m developing a new functionality for a project Winforms in C#. Soon I developed the following method that returns itself in the component GridControl (gvDados) there is a line selected or not.

public bool RetornaSelecionado(bool Selecionado)
  int linhas = 0;

  foreach (int i in gvDados.GetSelectedRows())
    DataRow row = gvDados.GetDataRow(i);       
     //TESTE MessageBox.Show(row[0].ToString());
  if(linhas > 0)
    return Selecionado = true;
    MessageBox.Show("Não selecionou");
    return Selecionado = false;

The method worked as I expected. When I select an item in the component the message is displayed Selected and when not selected, the message Did not select is displayed. After this a question arose, how should I proceed to store the data from row in one another array so that I can use in another system validation?

  • what is gvDados?

  • 1

    is the name of my Gridcontrol

  • Debug your code and get the information from DataRow, ai just assign in the array you want!

  • 1

    i did a more amateur act kkkkk... That line commented there in the code was to know which item (ID, Name, Sector) is being "caught" by DataRow, and is the ID...

2 answers


Create an array of the type you are using in the datasource. To get the type just give a cast.

MeuObjeto oObjeto = (MeuObjeto)gvDados.GetRow(i);

Then fill the array with these objects.


Just create a lits<t> where T is the class or type you want to store

Suppose it’s an int

Lits<int> meusDados =  new List<int>();

foreach (int i in gvDados.GetSelectedRows())
    DataRow row = gvDados.GetDataRow(i);       
    //TESTE MessageBox.Show(row[0].ToString());
  • 1

    Marcos, I started testing your answer here and I’ve already figured out another detail... How do I call this list in an event, for example?... Honestly I need to study Lists because I know nothing :/

  • How so you want to call her inside another function ?

  • 1

    Well if the event is within the same class you can put the list in the global scope ie, create this variable Lits<int> meusDados outside the function. If you are in another you can set to Static

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