Questions with Git Hub versioning


Viewed 40 times


Hello, I’m in extreme difficulty I found no answer or relationship in the omniscient oracle.

My problem: I’m writing some lines, testing what I did, commit, pull and push, resolve conflicts and merge. The problem is that when I do this, my local repository is "up date" and the repository of deploy tbm is "up date" ( what is expected), however my modifications do not appear in my application.

git does not present any errors, with git status saying that there is no modification to commit, with git pull it says that the location is already up to date and with push it says that the remote is already up to date, but still the codes of the local and online applications are not the same.

Someone knows what it is and how to fix it???

NOTE: I use Atom to write and control commits, pull, push and merge.

  • The operations you’re doing, they’re all in the right branch? (I don’t know if the build system you use builds the application with the code in master or some other branch)

  • Another thing you may be doing is merge incorrectly, which ends up overwriting your changes with old code...

  • I’ve already looked at the branchs, I commit my branch to develop dou push and then merge to master, so I pull the mirror from the service server. I was like this until now and everything worked normal, but for a few days it was like this. Vlw the answer Leonardo, but I don’t think that’s it.

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