WPF - Trigger elements within a wrap panel


Viewed 41 times


I have a wrap panel that contains several dockpanels, and I need each dockpanel to change its background by hovering over it. I don’t think creating a Rigger for every element would be appropriate. My shampoo is like this:

        <DockPanel> <!-- Aqui eu tenho muitos DockPanels -->

What I got was to get all the child elements using:


But I can’t define which object the mouse is on to change it

1 answer


I think the most coherent way to do what you want is to create a Rigger

create a Resource style

<Style x:Key="MeuMauseOver" TargetType="DockPanel">
        <Trigger Property="IsMouseOver" Value="True">
            <Setter Property="Background" Value="Pink"></Setter>
        <Trigger Property="IsMouseOver" Value="False">
            <Setter Property="Background" Value="blue"></Setter>

And set the style for dockpanels

        <DockPanel Style="{StaticResource MeuMauseOver}">

If you are creating dockpanels by code you can take Stylo by Resource.

Style MeuMauseOver = this.FindResource("MeuMauseOver") as Style;

Where this needs to be a Window element. in case your Mainwindow.

But by following its context of taking all the elements that the mouseover is true you can do something similar to that

Children.OfType<DockPanel>().Where(x => x.IsMouseOver == true);

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