Google firebase login error


Viewed 214 times


I am new in Android programming and would be grateful if you could help me. I made an app that uses login with Google firebase, works perfectly when I run directly on mobile but when I sign the APK and put in the internal test of the play store it does not login. I believe it is not an error in the code because it is working outside the play store, maybe it is some configuration in firebase or internal test or some other that I do not know. If any of you have been through it please help me.

1 answer


You will need to obtain the SHA-1 of the certificate used to sign your application published in the Play Store and then register "Fingerprints of the SHA certificate" in the panel of your Firebase project (image).

Use keytool utility to recover the SHA-1:

Print do painel Firebase

  • It was in the documentation and I didn’t notice. Thank you so much for your help.

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