Child component calling another child component’s method


Viewed 1,393 times


I have 3 Components, a Component Father, B Son and a C Son

export class A Parent implements OnInit {
  constructor() { 

In Componen B I have a method to create user

export class B Parent implements OnInit {
  constructor() { 

create() {
      .subscribe((res) => { 
        // Call other method in Component C


And now I have a Component C Where I need call the list method

export class C Parent implements OnInit {
    constructor() { 

ngOnInit() {

getUSers() {
         .subscribe((res) => {  
            this.users = res


and Finally my view

    <div class="col s6">
      <list-administrators ></list-administrators>

  <div class="col s6" *ngIf="card == 'create'">

  <div class="col s6" *ngIf="card == 'details'">

  <div class="col s6" *ngIf="card == 'edit'">

In component B, I have a method to create a user, when he create, I would call the listing of the other child C, how can I do ?

2 answers


I can’t tell you if this is the best way to do it. But what you could do is. A - (Father) B - (Son) C - (Son)

-> so HTML must look something like this:

<b (outputEmit)="emitted()" ></b>
<c #componentC></c>

In the A controller you can declare an event and receive the creation issue in the B component by executing an action in the C controller.

export class A
@ViewChild('componentC') componentCElement: ElementRef;

emitted() {


Thanks Renan Degrandi, I ended up using a service, sharing the data with other components is much more efficient, because I would not need to create repeated codes, so sharing ....: Service export class Eventsservice {

  teste = new EventEmitter<boolean>();

 constructor() { }

 getEvent(event: any) {


With this I can exchange data with other Components at runtime, now Component B Component B create() { this.userService.create() . subscribe(res) => { ... this.eventService.getEvent(true); }); }

this way sending there any value or desirable object and now, in my case, I can check this value and if it is true in the Komponent C, I call the ngOnInit of the Komponent C to make again the listing of the data I wanted, in this way ... Component C ngOnInit() { this.eventService.card.subscribe((res) => { if(res) this.getUsers(); }) this.getUsers(); }

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