Hello, Danilo! Welcome back!
The solution to your problem involves some important concepts of structured programming C.
A variable is a space in memory. It has name, address and can store a value.
When declaring a variable, you must specify the type of variable you want.
: integer values (-2, 0, 1)
: floating values (-3.5, 1.0, 5.33)
: large floating values (3.1415926535897932384626433832795)
: characters ('a', 'b', 'c')
: boolean values (true, false)
When you want to store a word (string, string), One must use a vector. Vector is a sequence of spaces in memory. Each space is called an index, which starts from 0 (zero). The zero index is the default vector address.
char nome[4];
nome[0] = 'A';
nome[1] = 'N';
nome[2] = 'A';
nome[3] = '\0';
The value '\0'
is used to indicate the end of the string, so it is necessary to reserve an extra space in the vector.
There are other ways to initialize a string.
char nome[] = "ANA";
char nome[4] = "ANA";
char nome[4] = {'A','N','A'};
char nome[10] = "ANA";
Solitary characters are assigned between single quotes ''
, whereas strings are assigned between double quotes ""
The library stdio.h
has read functions (input by keyboard) scanf(arg_1, arg_2)
and writing (screen output) printf(arg_1, arg_3)
Each function has two arguments, but there are 3 types of arguments in this case.
- arg_1: value formatting
- arg_2: memory space address
- arg_3: name of memory space
To read or write a value, the format of that value must be specified.
- %d: integers and booleans (1 - true, 0 - false)
- %f: floating
- %Fl: large floating
- %c: character
- %s: string
Note that boolean variables return 1 or 0, so they share the same format specifier as integers. For floaters in particular, it is possible to specify the number of boxes before and after the point, for example: %2.3f for numbers 0.333, 25.587, 4.444.
int num = 0;
scanf("%d", &num);
printf("numero: %d\n", num);
char nome[10];
scanf("%s", nome);
printf("nome: %s", nome);
Note that to read an integer value from the keyboard, the given address was &num
("e" commercial followed by variable name). Already to read a string, the address provided was nome
(only the name of the vector). This is done because the address of the vector is linked to the name of the vector itself, pointing to the zero index of the vector.
Now we come to the solution of the problem in question.
To compare whether two strings are equal, it is necessary to use the operation function of string strcmp(string_1, string_2)
present in the library string.h
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
int main(){
//Escolhe entre nome do personagem e classe
char p[20];
char c[20];
printf("RPG teste\n");
printf("Digite um nome para o seu(a) personagem:");
printf("Escolha uma classe, digitando entre Guerreiro ou Monge:");
if (strcmp(c,"Guerreiro") == 0){
return 0;
Bonus: Another function of the string. h library that may be useful is strcpy(Nome, "nome de alguém")
You are trying to compare a string to a number, so you will always enter Else
– Samuel Ives
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