A few days ago I’m having a problem with a code that I’m having trouble solving. What I’m trying to do at the moment is to register users in mongodb through Node. I am using the view ejs mechanism, but so far I have checked everything and it is correct, the only problem is in the implementation of the function that opens the connection to the Mongodb bank. I am using the standard MVC, follows below the codes.
dbConnection.js file that connects to the database (so far everything seems to be ok):
/* importar o mongodb */
var mongo = require('mongodb');
var connMongoDB = function(){
console.log('Entrou na função de conexão');
var db = new mongo.Db(
new mongo.Server('localhost',
return db;
module.exports = function(){
return connMongoDB;
Route register.js (seems to be ok tbm):
module.exports = function(application, res, res){
application.get('/cadastro', function(req, res){
application.app.controllers.cadastro.cadastro(application, req, res);
application.post('/cadastrar', function(req, res){
application.app.controllers.cadastro.cadastrar(application, req, res);
Register Controller(Until then I still did the test by passing a console.log of the data variableForm and was returning the data entered in the form normally) :
module.exports.cadastro = function(application, req, res){
res.render('cadastro', {validacao: {}, dadosForm: {}});
module.exports.cadastrar = function(application, req, res){
var dadosForm = req.body;
req.assert('nome', 'Nome não pode ser vazio').notEmpty();
req.assert('usuario', 'Usuário não pode ser vazio').notEmpty();
req.assert('senha', 'Senha não pode ser vazio').notEmpty();
var erros = req.validationErrors();
res.render('cadastro', {validacao: erros, dadosForm: dadosForm});
var connection = application.config.dbConnection; // retorna a variável connMongoDb
var UsuariosDAO = new application.app.models.UsuariosDAO(connection); // passa a variável connMongoDb acima como parâmetro
res.send('Cadastrado com sucesso!');
User file. The error starts at line 6 of the code:
function UsuariosDAO(connection){
this._connection = connection(); // recebe a variável db do arquivo dbConnection
UsuariosDAO.prototype.inserirUsuario = function(usuario){
this._connection.open( function(err, mongoclient){
mongoclient.collection("users", function(err, collection){
module.exports = function(){
return UsuariosDAO;
For better view of the problem, follow error code:
TypeError: this._connection.open is not a function
at UsuariosDAO.inserirUsuario (c:\Users\micha\GitHub\Projetos-Praticos\Projeto-CRUD\app\models\UsuariosDAO.js:6:22)
at Object.module.exports.cadastrar (c:\Users\micha\GitHub\Projetos-Praticos\Projeto-CRUD\app\controllers\cadastro.js:23:17)
at c:\Users\micha\GitHub\Projetos-Praticos\Projeto-CRUD\app\routes\cadastro:7:46
at Layer.handle [as handle_request] (c:\Users\micha\GitHub\Projetos-Praticos\Projeto-CRUD\node_modules\express\lib\router\layer.js:95:5)
at next (c:\Users\micha\GitHub\Projetos-Praticos\Projeto-CRUD\node_modules\express\lib\router\route.js:137:13)
at Route.dispatch (c:\Users\micha\GitHub\Projetos-Praticos\Projeto-CRUD\node_modules\express\lib\router\route.js:112:3)
at Layer.handle [as handle_request] (c:\Users\micha\GitHub\Projetos-Praticos\Projeto-CRUD\node_modules\express\lib\router\layer.js:95:5)
at c:\Users\micha\GitHub\Projetos-Praticos\Projeto-CRUD\node_modules\express\lib\router\index.js:281:22
at Function.process_params (c:\Users\micha\GitHub\Projetos-Praticos\Projeto-CRUD\node_modules\express\lib\router\index.js:335:12)
at next (c:\Users\micha\GitHub\Projetos-Praticos\Projeto-CRUD\node_modules\express\lib\router\index.js:275:10)
I hope I have been able to explain the problem correctly. I would be very grateful!
Try implementing using Mongoose. https://www.npmjs.com/package/mongoose
– Mr Genesis
I’ll give a study on this module, I’ve noticed that it is the most used for connection with the Mongodb bank. Anyway, if anyone knows, it would still help a lot to solve this problem with This, I believe it is a classic problem when using This, I think the solution may be using the bind function.
– MikeTaiki
I did not analyze your code well because I saw that I was using the direct connection and I find it complicated to do this management. But if you think the problem is
. Do it like this:var self = this
. Ready! Yourthis
context will fix in self.– Mr Genesis
What would be the implementation of the code you thought? I tried to put the variable you said on line 6 of the code in the User file and on line 7 referenced it as self. _Connection.open..... but keeps giving the same error, says the self is not a function
– MikeTaiki
vc assigned this value to self?
var self = this;
– Mr Genesis
If I understood the code, I saw that the problem is not in the
, and yes in theopen
does not exist inUsuariosDAO
. To see that this project is on github, it will be better to pass link to see the full code. The community can help you better.– Mr Genesis
That’s it! I did exactly this way and returned the same error. This project is not on Github, what’s there is another similar one. But I started reading about Mongoose and I started to adopt it and it’s worked perfectly. So, I don’t think it’s interesting to continue in this code if this mongodb Node module isn’t used as much and Mongoose looks much more complete. I really appreciate the willingness to help and the recommendation of Mongoose q was very helpful.
– MikeTaiki