Complexity function


Viewed 413 times


I’m having doubts about how to perform a complexity function analysis of this Java code

package exercicio_2_ed;

public class Potencias {
public void calcular( int[] numeros ){
    for( int i = 0; i < numeros.length; i++ ){

        System.out.println( "Potências de " + numeros[i] );

        for( int j = 1; j <= 5; j++ ){
            System.out.println( numeros[i] + "^" + j + " = " + (int) Math.pow( numeros[i], j) ); 


I’d like to know how to calculate.

  • Want to know the complexity using the Big O, in case, asymptotic?

  • Yes that’s right!

  • Question answered! I hope my answer will help you understand better complexity.

  • It is not duplicate. The questions are different.

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1 answer


Before we simply give the result of the complexity of your example let’s first understand how it works and how we should calculate. So come on!

To calculate the complexity of a method or algorithm efficiently we will use the Big O notation, or asymptotic complexity, which by definition is:

"Let f(n) and g(n) functions map integers (size of the input) in real (execution time). We say f(n) is O(g(n)) if there is a real constant c > 0 and an integer constant N0 1 such that f(n) cg(n) for every integer n N0."

Within asymptotic complexity we have several types of function. Below they are ordered from best (constant) to worst (exponential):

  • Constant 1
  • Logarithmic log n
  • Linear n
  • n-log-n n log n
  • Quadratic n²
  • Cubic n³
  • Polynomial n k
  • Exponential to n

In the image you can see the growth rates of the functions:

inserir a descrição da imagem aqui


  • It is very important to understand the main types of complexity function because it is based on them that we will define the complexity of our algorithms. However, enough of that and let’s get down to business.
  • The notation O determines that one function f(n) is "less than or equal to" another function g(n), discounting a constant factor, as n grows to infinity.
  • An A algorithm with complexity O(n²) will never have a runtime above n², for a given input n, even in the worst case.

Rules for defining asymptotic complexity:

  1. Polynomial function: always consider the highest degree.

    • 5n 4 + 3n³ + 2n² + 4n + 1 is an O(n 4).
  2. Constants and multipliers are eliminated.

    • 4n³ is O(n³) -> I do not care the constant, in the long run it will be unrepentant.
  3. Mixed function: always consider the term of greater complexity.

    • 5n² + 3n log n + 2n + 5 is O(n²). In this case the complexity of an n² is much greater than that of a log n, so we eliminate the same.
  4. Always consider the simplest representation.

    • 4n² + 2 log n is O(n²), which is definitely better than O(n² + log n).

Understood the rules we can see some examples (including your).

Example 1

public static int sumNumbers(int n1, int n2) {
  int result = n1 + n2;
  return result;

For example 1 we have constant operations throughout the method, so it has constant complexity O(1).

Example 2:

// Retorna true se não existe elemento duplicado no vetor.
public static boolean unique1(int[ ] data) {
  int n = data.length;
  for (int j = 0; j < n - 1; j++)
     for (int k = j + 1; k < n; k++)
         if (data[j] == data[k])
             return false;
  return true;

For example 2 we have a complexity of O(n²).

Note: A tip, whenever you have one for within his method it will run n times, so we would already have a complexity O(n). If we have a for within another, we have a complexity of O(n²), because we are running n * n. However, always pay attention to details, this is not guaranteed, each method is a case.

For your exercise we will have an O(n), with a for second running n times internal operations with constant complexity.

Note: If you are in doubt about the operation Math.Pow know that it has complexity O(1).

To assemble this answer I based on the book by Goodrich and Tamassia, Data Structure & Algorithms in Java. I recommend reading.

  • In fact, it’s O(n), for the for internal is only executed 5 times for( int j = 1; j <= 5; j++). Check out the algorithm again.

  • 1

    Indeed Henry, went unnoticed that the for is internal was executed only 5 times! Thanks for the warning!

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