Identity field going to Insert


Viewed 55 times


When I make my insert table companies field Empresacodigo (Field Identity) is going on insert, even though his property is like Identity in my application What can I do ?

inserir a descrição da imagem aqui

public class EmpresaController : System.Web.UI.Page


    Entities context = new Entities();

public void Insert ()


        empresa.EmpAtivo = empAtivo;
        empresa.EmpData = empData;
        empresa.EmpMF = empMF;
        empresa.EmpRazao = empRazao;
        empresa.EmpFantasia = fantasia;
        empresa.EmpEndereco = empEndereco;
        empresa.EmpNumero = empNumero;
        empresa.EmpComp = empComp;
        empresa.EmpBairro = empBairro;
        empresa.EmpCidade = empCidade;
        empresa.EmpEstado = empEstado;
        empresa.EmpPais = empPais;
        empresa.EmpCep = empCep;
        empresa.EmpCNPJ = empCNPJ;
        empresa.EmpIE = empIE;
        empresa.EmpMunicipal = empMunicipal;
        empresa.EmpCPF = empCPF;
        empresa.EmpFone = empFone;
        empresa.EmpCel = empCel;
        empresa.EmpEmail = empEmail;
        empresa.EmpMunicipio = empMunicipio;
        empresa.EmpNire = empNire;
        empresa.EmpCnae = empCnae;
        empresa.EmpLogo = null;
        empresa.EmpObs = empObs;            


  • I don’t understand "You’re going to the Insert". When a table has an Identity field, you do not need to include it explicitly, but you already know this and when you do Insert, it is fired. Even if there is rollback, for the case of transactions, even so it has already been fired, "burning" that value. Can explain better?

  • Thank you very much for your availability, but I ended up here. In the database they created the field as Numeric, so I understood the visual studio was not recognizing that the field was Identity. I changed in the bank to int and model and worked normally.

  • Nice that you thought.

1 answer


In the database they created the field as Numeric, so I understood the visual studio was not recognizing that the field was Identity. I changed in the bank to int and model and worked normally.

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