Junction of tables


Viewed 46 times


I got three tables a call CRM_PROCESSO, another call CRM_PROCESSO_VARIAVEL and the last call CRM_PROCESSO_ATIVIDADE, both have the variable idprocesso in common.

What I need is for command to bring the field IDPROCESSO, USUARIO, DATAINICIO, DATATERMINO table CRM_PROCESSO,the field DESCRICAO table CRM_PROCESSO_ATIVIDADEand the countryside valoratualtable CRM_PROCESSO_VARIAVEL

I was able to do the command, but with the separate data.

I turned the remote down, and I brought the field IDPROCESSO, USUARIO, DATAINICIO, DATATERMINO table CRM_PROCESSO,the field DESCRICAO table CRM_PROCESSO_ATIVIDADE, when they both have the IDPROCESSO equal.

    select crm_processo.idprocesso,
   from crm_processo join crm_processo_atividade on (crm_processo_atividade.idprocesso = crm_processo.idprocesso and crm_processo_atividade.idatividade = crm_processo.idatividadeatual) where status = 1 and idprocedimento = 34 and idatividadeatual <>2  

And I managed to make the command below, bringing the field valoratualtable CRM_PROCESSO_VARIAVEL (I used an example with IDPROCESSO = 39)

SELECT  cpv.descricao, 
     WHEN '/*MOTIVOCANCELAMENTO*/' THEN 'Motivo Cancelamento'
     END)  from crm_processo_variavel cpv  where idprocesso = 3089 AND CPV.DESCRICAO IN ('/*MOTIVOCANCELAMENTO*/')

But honestly, I don’t know how to put the two commands together.

The process x activity ratio is 1 to 1. And variable x process also 1 to 1.

Someone can help me ?

  • The process-activity relation is 1 para 1? And process x variable too 1 para 1? Or is 1 para 0, or 1 para muitos? It is important to know the multiplicity of relations so you know whether you will do a JOIN or an OUTER JOIN to retrieve the records in a single query. Edit the question and inform the multiplicities.

  • Hello @Pagotti the process x activity ratio is 1 to 1. And process x variable also 1 to 1.

  • There is something strange because in your original query you have crm_processo_atividade.idatividade = crm_processo.idatividadeatual. If it is 1 para 1 because you have this idatividadeatual? Each process can have more than 1 activity?

  • The crm_processo_variavel also has a description filter. This means that each crm_processo_variavel is also 1 para muitos? And you’re applying the filters to result in only 1 process record. That’s it?

  • A cool tool you can use when you have questions like this is the Dbfiddle. There you can put the structure and sample data of the tables and then share the question to facilitate who will help you. Also tag which bank you’re using.

1 answer


If the relationship is 1 para 1 between the three tables, then a JOIN normal between them, but from the comments it seems that the relationship is 1 para N and the filters on the tables force a relationship 1 para 1. In this case you can make the filter on JOIN or creating SUBQUERY with internal filters.

The filter version on JOIN that’s the one:

SELECT P.idprocesso,
       PA.descricao AS pa_descricao,
       CASE PV.descricao 
         WHEN '/*MOTIVOCANCELAMENTO*/' THEN 'Motivo Cancelamento'     
         END AS pv_descricao
FROM crm_processo AS P 
LEFT JOIN crm_processo_atividade AS PA
     ON PA.idprocesso = P.idprocesso
     AND idatividade = P.idatividadeatual
     AND idatividade <> 2
LEFT JOIN crm_processo_variavel AS PV
     ON PV.idprocesso = P.idprocesso
     AND PV.descricao IN ('/*MOTIVOCANCELAMENTO*/')
     P.status = 1 
     AND P.idprocedimento = 34 

The version with SUBQUERY that’s the one:

SELECT P.idprocesso,
       PA.descricao AS pa_descricao,
       PV.descricao AS pv_descricao,
FROM crm_processo P 
LEFT JOIN (SELECT descricao FROM crm_processo_atividade 
           WHERE idprocesso = P.idprocesso    
           AND idatividade = P.idatividadeatual
           AND idatividade <> 2 ) AS PA           
     ON PA.idprocesso = P.idprocesso
LEFT JOIN (SELECT valoratual, 
             CASE descricao 
             WHEN '/*MOTIVOCANCELAMENTO*/' THEN 'Motivo Cancelamento'     
             END AS descricao
           FROM crm_processo_variavel 
           WHERE idprocesso = P.idprocesso 
           AND descricao IN ('/*MOTIVOCANCELAMENTO*/') ) AS PV
     ON PV.idprocesso = P.idprocesso
     P.status = 1 
     AND P.idprocedimento = 34 
  • It worked @Pagotti. Thanks. Vlw for the tips.

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