How to verify that the limit of a vector has not been exceeded?


Viewed 34 times


Good afternoon, gentlemen!

I’m doing a college paper that asks me to create an agenda. I did most of the code, but I’m not able to see the light so that when the user tries to register a person in the agenda, show if the agenda is already full or not.

Follow the statement, I can post the whole code here, but it’s too big.

"g) Set a block of instructions inserts person: Inserts by alphabetical order of name moves all following elements from the vector to the later position. (When inserting should-severify if the vector boundary will not be exceeded in case of printing the message AGENDACHEIA); "

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1 answer


If the vector has static size (I’m going to assume yes, since there is a limit), you set the size at some point, right? For example, I will consider the following:

#define MAXTAM 100

Having this constant you can use it to do checks, for example if there is a stop condition it can be i <= MAXTAM.

If this is not possible, another possible solution may be to set a fixed value for the last position (in the same way as the \0 is used to check the end of a string). Then after inserting you see if the value of the last position remains the established fixed value or changed.

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