AWS-Lambda services can be developed in Java, C#, Python, Go, Powershell and finally Nodejs (DOC).
Nodejs is currently used as a backend of applications with the advantage of natively developing asynchronous requests to the server via assync-Wait or Promises. This brings a much higher layer of complexity to code than when compared to the same application that makes no use of asynchronous functions.
The idea is simple - if you have a server running on Nodejs that will provide a function (sendemail for example) and it can respond to 4 simultaneous requests in the same treads pool - or at the same time.
One of the advantages of AWS-Lambda is that the function (itself) is self scalable and allows competition naturally (regardless of the language chosen - DOC).
Well, if the lambda function offers you the possibility of having 1000 instances available at any time, what would be the advantage of using Nodejs on the grounds of having the same asynchronous (sendemail) function?