I am trying to get the only last record (last sale) of each customer and I am not succeeding. I tried several ways, but nothing.. Only returns all sales from the date. Follow my query. I appreciate the help.
use banco
select m.cli_forn,c.nome,c.telefone,c.fax,m.num_nf,max(convert(date,m.dt_mov))as Data,m.valor_mov,m.cod_vendedor
from tb_movimentos m inner join tb_cliente c on(c.cod_cli=m.cli_forn)
where m.cod_vendedor = '178' and c.cod_cli !='5000' and status_clifor = 'C'and m.dt_mov >='2015-01-01'
group by m.cli_forn,c.nome,c.telefone,c.fax,m.num_nf,m.valor_mov,m.cod_vendedor
something in group by is not grouping as hold, can put an example of the data that returns?
– Ricardo Pontual
How the column is declared
? Can there be more than one sale to the same customer on the same day? The columnstatus_clifor
is which table?– José Diz