loop objects


Viewed 287 times


I need to make several regatta .

for example:

2012ocup10 <- aggregate(PNAD2012[c("peso_pes")], by=PNAD2012["klems"],

but I need to perform the same procedure to PNAD2011,PNAD2010,...

I use loop this way :

for(ano in (1995:2012)[-c(6,16)]){   
  tabela.p <- apply(get(paste0("PNAD",ano))[c( "idade", "anos_est", "rend_prin", 
                                               "horas", "horas_s")],

When I adapt pro Aggregate I can’t make it create multiple tables (2012ocup10,2011ocup10,...).Using get(paste0...) it seems to me that it does not access the variables within the data.frame

1 answer


Ennio, you cannot create object names that start with a number. 2012ocup10 is not a valid name for an R object. You have to at least put a letter or something like that before in this name, for example, pnad2012ocup10.

With this exception, a code like the following should work:

for (ano in (1995:2012)){
  assign(paste0("pnad", ano, "ocup10"),
         aggregate(get(paste0("PNAD", ano))["peso_pes"], 
                   by=get(paste0("PNAD", ano))["klems"],
  • 2

    Thank you very much ,helped VERY ! I had not thought to use assign ,e nor attack the number in the creation of the object

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