How do you stop emitting particulates after a few seconds?


Viewed 55 times


I have a simple code that spawnes particles when the player is stationary on Rigger. But they don’t stop broadcasting and I’d like them to stop right after a few seconds. How can I do that?

if (other.gameObject.tag == "Player" && Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.E))
   += 1;

        yield WaitForSeconds(5); // wait for 5 seconds
        MyParticleEffect.SetActive(false); // turn the particle system on

            Debug.Log("e key was pressed");

1 answer


First of all, I think "Yield" doesn’t work on a void, it works on a ienumerator. I believe you are using Ontriggerstay. For this, the easy way would be to create a variable that counts time and use Update().

public class scriptest : MonoBehaviour {
   float timer = 0; //variável do tempo.
   public GameObject MyParticleEffect;//GameObject do Efeito

 void Update()
    timer += Time.deltaTime; //Somando o timeDelta, conta-se o tempo.
    if (timer > 5) //Se o tempo for maior do que 5, o GameObject do efeito é desativado.

 void OnTriggerStay(Collider other)
     if (other.gameObject.tag == "Player" && Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.E))
        //Aqui vai o += 1.
        MyParticleEffect.SetActive(true); //GameObject do efeito é ativado.
        timer = 0; //Tempo é zerado.

See also, if you don’t have any script preventing the Effect from being disabled.

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