Pass Json object array to Controller C# . NET


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I need to do a post, and so far I’m trying to do by AJAX to send an object to the Controller, but I’m having trouble receiving the object.


<select name="Servers" id="servers" multiple>
  <option value='{ "Id": "1", "Site": "234", "Tecnologia" : "89" }'>Server 1</option>
  <option value='{ "Id": "12", "Site": "21", "Tecnologia" : "12" }'>Server 2</option>
  <option value='{ "Id": "45", "Site": "332", "Tecnologia" : "56" }'>Server 3</option>


var servers = [];

$("#myForm select:selected").each(function(i){ 
var model = {
  "Nome": "qualquer nome aqui",
  "Servers": servers 

       type: "POST",
       url: "/Home/Add",
       data: model,
       dataType: "json",
       success: function (msg) {
           //Qualquer código aqui

public class EmpresaModel
    public string Nome { get;set; }           // Nome está vindo preenchido
    public List<ServerModel> Servers { get;set; }  // Como faço para isso vir preenchido?

public class ServerModel
    public string Id { get;set; }
    public string Site { get;set; }
    public string Tecnologia { get;set; }

My question would be how do I get this list of objects that I created via ajax by the model in the controller? The name is coming and filling in the model, but the list is not. Something like this:

public JsonResult Add(EmpresaModel model)
    //codigo aqui 

NOTE: Code made now only for example, may have typo or something like.

  • The problem is that your EmpresaModel expects an attribute called Servers and you are sending a JSON with Servidores. Another detail that was not presented is the version of . Net MVC that you are using, if it is a recent add the FromBody since it is a POST... ex.: public Jsonresult Add([FromBody]EmpresaModel model)

2 answers


Your code has some micro-things adding up that make it not run, but come on: First:

<select name="Servers" id="servers" multiple>
  <option value='{ "Id": "1", "Site": "234", "Tecnologia" = "89" }'>Server 1</option>
  <option value='{ "Id": "12", "Site": "21", "Tecnologia" = "12" }'>Server 2</option>
  <option value='{ "Id": "45", "Site": "332", "Tecnologia" = "56" }'>Server 3</option>

The values in your view are not in the "Key":"Value" pattern, note that Technology is using the symbol "=".

Second, I’m no expert on jquery but that part here your selector is taking select Selected, shouldn’t it be option? I tested with option and it worked.

$("#myForm select:selected").each(function(i){  ///deveria ser option:selected

Third, your model doesn’t have the names of your object, so they don’t map when they arrive at the controller:

var model = {
  "Nome": "qualquer nome aqui",
  "Servidores": servers    //aqui a chama deveria ser "Servers": servers para se igualar a sua entidade.
  • Thanks for the answer, man. I’m sorry, the '=' question was typing, I don’t have access to the code so I simulated an example in my head. Same thing with the names, I edited them out. About JQUERY it is working yes it creates the objects in the right way, so much so that the rest of the attributes it normally assigns in the model. My problem is in this mapping that you said, because how do I get a JSON object to be mapped in a List<model> ? I probably need to change it to not be a list, then I’m losing myself.

  • In my view your logic is correct. So much so that when I made these little changes that I gave you I received the list in my controller normally.


Friend tries so:

You have to call this method: JSON.stringify(model).

var servers = [];

$("#myForm select:selected").each(function(i){ 
var model = {
  "Nome": "qualquer nome aqui",
  "Servers": servers 

       type: "POST",
       url: "/Home/Add",
       data: JSON.stringify(model),
       dataType: "json",
       success: function (msg) {
           //Qualquer código aqui

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