Update of an index of an array of a Mongodb document


Viewed 107 times


Guys, I would like to know how to update a document value that is inside an array. See the document:

> db.alunos.find().pretty()
        "_id" : ObjectId("5ba141b186b9fc17121423a1"),
        "nome" : "Diego",
        "cursos" : [
                        "nome" : "Design Responsivo com Twitter Bootstrap",
                        "cargaHoraria" : 80
                        "nome" : "NodeJS",
                        "cargaHoraria" : 100

I need to update the carHoraria of the course named Nodejs. In the case is with the workload of 100h. I would like to update only this course for the 120h workload.

1 answer


You can use the $conditional operator along with the $set mongodb

      "_id": ObjectId("5ba141b186b9fc17121423a1"),
      "cursos.nome": "NodeJS"
    { "$set": { "cursos.$.cargaHoraria": 120 } }

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