innerHTML VS innerTEXT


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What’s the difference between using the innerHTML and the innerText in Javascript? If I want to change the content of TEXT_NODE, Which one should I use? For example:

<p id="p1">I also wrote a book! Read it
    <a href="">here</a>.

If I want to change the text of the paragraph above, I would use it this way:

var p = document.getElementById("p1");
p.innerHTML="Texto Qualquer";

or this? :

var p = document.getElementById("p1");
p.innerText="Texto Qualquer";

Is there any difference? Visually I saw that the two do the same thing.

  • The problem is that using one or the other link <a> go away.

3 answers


The innerText changes the content of an element of your page (DOM) with content treated only as text. For example:

document.getElementById('Teste').innerText = '<b>teste</b>'

Will display:

inserir a descrição da imagem aqui

Already the innerHTML changes the content of an element with the content treated as HTML.

For example, this code:

document.getElementById('Teste').innerHTML = '<b>teste</b>'

Will be displayed that way:

inserir a descrição da imagem aqui

I created code in jsFiddle so you can better understand the difference between the two.


The innerText can be understood as:

a property representing the "rendered" text content of a node and its descendants. Used as getter, returns approximate the text the user would get if he had selected the content and copied to the clipboard

Already the innerHTML:

defines or obtains the HTML syntax describing the descending elements.

Therefore, in simple words, the innerText recovers and defines the content of the tag as plain text, while innerHTML recovers and defines content in HTML format.

Here’s an example of where we get the HTML content from <div id"innerHTML">:

let innerHTML = document.getElementById('innerHTML').innerHTML;
<div id="innerHTML">Texto <span>Mais texto</span></div>

Now look at this other example with innerText, where we only get the text, without the tag span, unlike the first example:

let innerText = document.getElementById('innerText').innerText;
<div id="innerText">Texto <span>Mais texto</span></div>

Taking a hook in your question example, if you want to exchange, for example, the text of a link could use the innerText. Behold:

var p = document.getElementById("link");
p.innerText="Texto Qualquer";
<p id="p1">I also wrote a book! Read it
    <a id="link" href="">here</a>.

If you wanted to exchange the HTML content of a div, or even change the link of a certain element could do it with the innerHTML.

var p = document.getElementById("p1");
p.innerHTML='<a href="/questions/329975/innerhtml-vs-innertext">Trocamos o link</a>';
<p id="p1">I also wrote a book! Read it



The innerText works in a similar way to textContent. The innerHTML can add or pick up elements HTML, already with the innerText this is not possible, it can only assign a text or grab the text of a certain element.

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