LITE ORM problems in saving columns bytes


Viewed 62 times


My app the user can use the camera to take photo and need to save it in the database. To save in the database I convert the image into an array of bytes, however I noticed a problem in this process when the resolution of the camera is high (4:3 16 MB) does not work and when I leave lower as 16:9 (6 MB) works. I am using the Ormlite to save and it does not return any error exception when the camera is in high resolution, does anyone know what might be?

        Bitmap photo = null;
        File file = new File(mCurrentPhotoPath);
        photo = MediaStore.Images.Media.getBitmap(
        ByteArrayOutputStream stream = new ByteArrayOutputStream();
        photo.compress(Bitmap.CompressFormat.JPEG, 100, stream);
        bytesImage = stream.toByteArray();

        CheckListPendente CheckListPendente2 = new CheckListPendente();
        CheckListResposta resposta = new CheckListResposta();
        if (bytesImage != null) {
        checkListDao = CheckListRespostaDao(helper.getConnectionSource());
  • Change the line to photo.compress(Bitmap.CompressFormat.JPEG, 0, stream); and it worked, you know the reason why?

  • The third parameter you passed is related to compression quality. Probably there must be memory overflow, you don’t have any stacktrace ?

1 answer


Well I did a search in that method


and I ended up finding some articles about it, the bad thing is that most are in English (I don’t know if you can read "good", but it’s worth taking a look and understanding)





Well what can I say,

photo.compress(Bitmap.CompressFormat.JPEG, 100, stream);

This line of yours is compressing the image to JPEG format, and in its second method parameter:

compress(<1 parâmetro>,<2 parâmetro>,<3 parâmetro>)

Indicates compression type being 0 maxim and 100 minimum / almost nil (SEE LINK 2) maybe in your code when passing all returns of values hit the memory limit or return a value greater than the initial value of the image size (in MB/KB.. etc.) (SEE LINK 1 and 3)

What I recommend doing is

1 - convert all images to a standard resolution

2 - do the necessary processing (in your case convert the image into an array of bytes)

3 - be happy

NOTE: I won’t go into code because I don’t know so much about Ormlite, but I believe that with a little time and dedication you can do it yourself, it’s worth taking a look at link 2 because there it makes a conversion/ setting resolution.

OBS2: Link 4 shows how to compress the image in the smallest possible way, thinking about code and file size / variable would be lower values (which would not affect the memory limit in the application, it is worth taking a look)

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