Problem searching for the most recent result of a group in a query in two tables with PHP and Mysqli


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I am studying mysqli and PHP to migrate a personal blog, from PHP 5.6 to 7 (mysql to mysqli), the blog has a table with names and other with items related to names, dates and times, below I will write a similar example.

Before, I made a query in table 1 and then, when displaying the results (inside while), I placed the codes for a second query, now in table 2, to show the most recent item of the records related to each name... I was thinking of simplifying the codes with a single query in the two tables, but I do not know if it will be possible... because I always find problems for not showing the most recent item.

Examples of table format (simplified tables for studies):

tabela 1 (elementos)
conteudo da tabela:
1 | 200 | Elemento 1 | Livre
2 | 220 | Elemento 2 | Ocupado
tabela 2 (registros)
conteudo da tabela:
01 | 200 | 12 | 2018-06-12 | 12:11:01
02 | 220 | 10 | 2018-06-11 | 14:12:42
03 | 200 | 17 | 2018-06-01 | 10:12:31
04 | 220 | 15 | 2018-06-11 | 14:12:42
05 | 200 | 11 | 2018-06-11 | 16:15:44
06 | 300 | 16 | 2018-05-11 | 17:11:11
07 | 220 | 19 | 2018-06-11 | 14:12:42
08 | 100 | 10 | 2018-05-01 | 11:12:11
09 | 220 | 17 | 2018-06-11 | 14:12:42
10 | 300 | 11 | 2018-06-10 | 16:05:55

The query should take the ini of table 1 and compare with the initp of table 2 and return an initp result of each group with the most recent date.

I tried this query:

"SELECT tabela1.*,tabela2.*
FROM elementos AS tabela1
INNER JOIN registros AS tabela2 ON tabela1.ini=tabela2.initp
GROUP BY tabela2.initp
ORDER BY tabela1.ini DESC, DESC, tabela2.hora DESC"

But in the result, the most recent item of the second table does not appear, I believe the first of the group appears.

I tried using MAX in the query, but then appears the latest date, but the other result data do not appear correctly (are from another date).

"SELECT tabela1.*,tabela2.*
FROM elementos AS tabela1
INNER JOIN (SELECT initp,MAX(data) As data,hora FROM registros GROUP BY initp) tabela2 ON tabela1.ini=tabela2.initp
ORDER BY tabela1.ini DESC, DESC, tabela2.hora DESC"

Is it possible to do this or should I continue with two queries to the database? Thanks in advance!

  • I managed to do a query that returns the results, but it was very slow, much more than making a new query within each result of the first query. 


SELECT tabela1.,table 2. FROM elements AS Tabela1 INNER JOIN records AS table2 ON Tabela1.ini=table2.initp WHERE = (SELECT max(data) FROM table2 WHERE initp=Tabela1.ini) GROUP BY tableela2.initp ORDER BY Tabela1.ini DESC, DESC, table2.time DESC

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