I’m trying to publish an APP in my test stores, build works normal, but when I try to publish in the store appears the error described above.
For what I have visa it is necessary to inform in Google Play Console
a privacy policy because in my case I am trying to use the camera resource, according to this article: How to fix Google Play Developer policy Violation: Action Required Policy Issue
Google Play requires developers to provide a policy of valid privacy when the application requests or manipulates confidential information from users or devices. Your application requests confidential permissions (e.g., camera, microphone, accounts, contacts or phone ) or user data, but does not include a valid privacy policy.
In the article it says to follow the following steps:
- Go to your Google Play Developer Console.
- Select an application.
- Select the list of stores.
- In
Política de Privacidade
, enter the URL you have the privacy policy hosted online. - Select Save Draft (new apps) or Send Update (existing applications). "
I did not find inside the console the part that says: Selecione a listagem de lojas
, where I could find it?
Thank you very much, it worked. Pqp was in my face and did not see rs!
– Marconi
This user interface of the apps is very complicated msm. Thanks
– sant0will