Error: The apk has Permissions that require a Privacy policy set for the app, e.g: android.permission.CAMERA


Viewed 3,152 times


I’m trying to publish an APP in my test stores, build works normal, but when I try to publish in the store appears the error described above.

For what I have visa it is necessary to inform in Google Play Console a privacy policy because in my case I am trying to use the camera resource, according to this article: How to fix Google Play Developer policy Violation: Action Required Policy Issue

Google Play requires developers to provide a policy of valid privacy when the application requests or manipulates confidential information from users or devices. Your application requests confidential permissions (e.g., camera, microphone, accounts, contacts or phone ) or user data, but does not include a valid privacy policy.

In the article it says to follow the following steps:

  1. Go to your Google Play Developer Console.
  2. Select an application.
  3. Select the list of stores.
  4. In Política de Privacidade, enter the URL you have the privacy policy hosted online.
  5. Select Save Draft (new apps) or Send Update (existing applications). "

I did not find inside the console the part that says: Selecione a listagem de lojas, where I could find it?

1 answer


After performing application selection:

  1. Open the side menu has an option called Presence in the Lodge.
  2. Click on App Details.
  3. At the bottom of the App Details page you will find the location for enter the URL of your privacy policy.

inserir a descrição da imagem aqui

  • Thank you very much, it worked. Pqp was in my face and did not see rs!

  • This user interface of the apps is very complicated msm. Thanks

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