Error 6118 on command promt


Viewed 1,334 times


I’m trying to see the connected servers on my host by cmd, but when I use the "net view" command the error message appears.

"System error 6118.

The server list for this workgroup is currently not available"

I tried to disable the windows firewall. have tried running as Adm and using the command "sc config browser start=auto" and nothing worked, how to solve and see who is connected in my router?

  • Go here on this link that I will leave, solved my problem and may solve yours. áhhhh, right after doing the procedure, do not forget to put cmd in administrator mode to test whether you have removed the error. I hope I’ve helped... hug

1 answer


It’s exactly what you said in the question, the server list is not available, you may be out of the group, I advise:

Check that each pc is in the same Workgroup; Disable firewall and Antivirus on each PC; Run a Ping to PC2 from PC1 to ensure the network is ok; Run a Net View for PC2 from PC1 check that it is ok.

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