Why should I use Reflection in Javascript?


Viewed 32 times


I wanted to know why I should use Reflection in Javascript instead of normal operators. I only knew it existed Reflection today and I wanted to know why it would be more useful to use Reflection instead of normal operators.

An example would be to use Reflect.deleteProperty(target, key) rather than delete target[key] supposing that target is an object.

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    Define "normal operators" and could describe why you think Reflection and the so-called "normal operators" do the same thing?

  • @Andersoncarloswoss An example would be Reflection.deleteProperty(target, key) rather than delete target[key] this assuming that target is an object

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    Complete the question with this information using the [Edit button].

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    In general it shouldn’t. To use something has to have justification. Do you have? I see one, but it can be because I try to do everything with simplicity.

  • @Maniero I have no justification, I just found the Reflection while looking at Mozilla’s Docs so I wondered if there was any reason to use it instead of operators such as delete, new, in and among others.

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