Accent problem when generating txt in php


Viewed 270 times


I am using the code below to generate a txt file but is generating a strange code.

header("Content-Type: text/html; charset=UTF-8",true);
$fp = fopen("bloco.txt", "w");
$eu = 'é';
fwrite($fp, $eu);

  • 1

    I tested here, I opened the txt and there is the accented letter é

  • you’re right, the problem is when I display the file on the screen.Isn’t that a problem? I will consume it and save the information in the database.

1 answer


A solution would be to open the file (wb) in binary mode and output to utf8 no fwrite with utf8_encode as in this reply from Soen.

I haven’t tested it on my machine yet, but it would be something like this:


$fid   = fopen("bloco.txt", "wb")

fwrite($fid, utf8_encode("é"));

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