Date range by week number


Viewed 44 times


With this simple function, I can get the week number. Now, with the week number, how can I get the date range, started on Sunday?

import (

func main() {

func Week(now time.Time) string {
    _, thisWeek := now.ISOWeek()
    return "S" + strconv.Itoa(thisWeek)

All help is welcome. Thank you.

  • 1

    Welcome David! This is Stackoverflow in English. Translate, format your question so we can help you!

1 answer


My Portuguese is not good, sorry.

You can use time.(Time).Truncate and then change the result:

const (
    day       = 24 * time.Hour
    sevenDays = 7 * day

// weekSun returns the beginning and the end of the week of the time t in UTC,
// using Sunday as the first day.
func weekSun(t time.Time) (start, end time.Time) {
    start = t.Truncate(sevenDays).Add(-day)
    end = start.Add(sevenDays - 1)
    return start, end


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