Sublimetext error


Viewed 184 times


Has anyone ever had this error when starting Sublime Text:

Error loading syntax file "Packages/PHP/PHP.sublime-syntax": Apparent recursion Within a with_prototype action: 25000 context Sanity limit hit

  • This was some package that installed/corrupted. Look for managing packages in sublime.

  • I already had the same error, after disabling the CSS3 package it started working again

  • Sure thanks! I ended up reinstalling, but before I removed the directory: C: Users Meu_usuario Appdata Roaming Sublime Text 3

1 answer


In full 2021 and this error still persists. Actually now the problem is also happening with the Java Script Next - ES6 Syntax package ( )

The solution is to disable CSS3 and Java Script Next - ES6 Syntax.

I gave up Sublime Text because of this bug with Javascriptnext - ES6 Syntax, because I liked the effect on javascript / jquery.

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